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Johnny Rosenberg <> typed:
2011/8/25 Maria Rechnitzer <>:
Dear Support,

This is the LibreOffice users' list. It's not a real
support. We are
just users who help each other out. You can ask questions
and you can
reply to other people's question if you like.

I'm well aware of maling lists, forums and newsgroups etc.. I use NNTP 
instead of the mailing list for what are normally obvious reasons to most, 
not the least of which is not getting a mass of unrelated to anything I care 
about from a mailing list. A mailing list can be great for a newbie just 
trying to pull as much info as they can about as many subjects as they can, 
but you can't beat NNTP for its conciseness and ablity to easly pick 
responsed to a post almost instantly. Mailinig lists can quickly become 
irritating. Add to that the management capabilities and no gui waste as with 
forums, and you have what I still consder the best listing tool around. As 
long as the list vs newsgroup processes to work, it's the best of all worlds 
due to the many displays possible in a group reader.

If you plan to write here again, you should subscribe to
the list.

That's fine for you, but realize that what you like isn't necessarly 
anyonre/everyone else's cup of tea.
Then you will get all the replies to your questions
directly in your
inbox, also from those who didn't added your email
address in the
bTo:b field manually, like I just didb& You will also
get other peoples questions, but that is how email lists
work. Some people, who are
subscribed to many email lists, like myself, have a
special email
account for email lists only. That's probably not
necessary in most
cases, I just mentioned it as a tipb&

No, not for me. I have more to do than scan mailing lists looking for my 
post responses when I can have them pointed out to me automatically and all 
grouped together. When I have a question, I DO NOT CARE to see other 
answers; I might if  I were a newbie and had lots of time avalable, but I 

This is only my opinion, but some of the advice you gave leaves a little to 
be desired.

when word processing in microsoft office (doc or xls)
there is a strikethrough feature that allows you to mark
words that you want to delete but stIll keep them in the
text, e.g. strikethrough.
I was not able to find this feature in Libre Office
(also not in former Open Office). Is there such a
feature? If not I suggest to add it next to the bold,
italic and underline feature.

You can do that yourself. Here is how:

As  I said in my prevous posting, you can underline, overline, 
strike-thru,double-strike-thru, use colors with them and so on in Writer at 
the program's location I  gave.

Also note how clunky your post looks below because I only read posts in 
Plain Text and nothing else. I respectfully advise that you should post and 
e-mail also in Plain Text unless there is some compelling reason not to. 
It's even a good idea to have anything that's 8-bit dropped to the floor 
just to prevent any type of unintended code execution in the body of an 
   With Plain Text, you don't get the Unicode or Mime problems that go along 
with 8-bit e-mails.



Tools b Customizeb& b Toolbars.
LibreOffice Writer Toolbars b Toolbar: Select
In the bCommandsb list, scroll down to bUnderlineb
and highlight it. Click the bAddb&b button.
In the bCategoryb list of the bAdd Commandsb
dialogue, select bFormatb. In the bCommandsb list of
the bAdd Commandsb dialogue, scroll down and select
bStrikethroughb (they are listed in alphabetic order,
so it's
easy to find).
Click the Add button b the bAdd Commandsb dialogue is
In the Customize dialogue, bStrikethroughb is now
available and
checked (b). You can move it up and down with the b,
and b, buttons at the right of the bCommandsb list if
it's not in the brightb place.
Click OK.
You now have a strike through button available in your
Formatting toolbar.

In the Customize dialogue you can also customise your
menues and
keyboard shortcuts, and you can assign macros to
different events,
such as Open Document, Save Document and more.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
c8c'c c<c;c-c<c<c3cc<c0


I kindly ask you to let me know if the strikethrough
feature exists in Libre Office.

Yes it does, and in quite a few places.

Best regards,

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