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On Saturday 06 August 2011 18:36:54 Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

No worries about running the test.  It looks like the file extracted
without any problem.  Most Zip utilities have an option to test a package
rather than extract it.  The test report would indicate whether or not one
of the files had some sort of discrepancy.  You can try it, but it looks
like it should pass.

OK, I did. No errors

The difficulty for you is that all of those files are still encrypted.

OK understood

It appears that it is not the Zip that is corrupted, so you have to
consider that there was an encryption failure.

Now we need someone who can use the manifest.xml and those individual files
and see which ones can be decrypted with the known password.

OK, I guess that means special knowledge by someone. I tried opening manifest 
ans see it is a binary. It needs something called knewstickerstub which I 
don;t have an aren't able to install. Might be able to find it somehow but 
don't really know if I need it.

Depending on which file is damaged, you might be able to try operating
without it.

Hmmm  How would I do that?

I don't have any tools that will do this, although there are some ways we
might be able to manipulate the manifest to trick LibreOffice into doing it
for us.

I don't know how to talk you through this.  So it depends on having the
document to manipulate and either knowing the password or sending
modifications back to you to see if you can get one of the modifications to
open far enough to be useful.

So I suppose it comes down to how willing you are to let the document out
of your hands, even in its encrypted form.

 - Dennis. I am sure you are a most trustworty person, but this document 
cntains very personal information which could even be dangerous to me. That 
is why it is encrypted. I was/am a fairly high ranking officer  in a federal 
law enforcement agency.  I would have to give that some very serious thought.

Bob S

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