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I think I can help...

On 08/05/2011 01:24 AM, 3flight wrote:
I'm trying to make a small base with a couple of forms to view and add data.
For instance, I have a table "Objects" and it has two fields "location" and
"assigned to" of type INTEGER, because they are linked to ID fields of
tables "locations" and "people" respectively. It is inconvenient to enter
digits in table editor, so I wanted to make a form which will show linked
values instead. Normal thing, just like in MS Access.
Very normal. Your main table has a primary key field in each record, and so do your secondary tables - locations and people. The keys of records in the secondary tables are to be referenced by fields in the primary table. The latter fields "point to" the secondary table records desired. The number in the primary table field which "points" is called a "foreign key", as it is the primary key of ANOTHER table. All very customary way of relating tables in a "relational" database.
I created a from, modified columns "location" and "assigned to" to be
comboboxes, and that's it.
Yes, that's it, which is to say that's your problem. I haven't worked with Access for about three years, but as I recall in Access a combo box can be used to display multiple fields from multiple records in the secondary table. One selects a record and the primary key of that record gets placed in the linked field of the primary table.

Base won't do this with combo boxes. Read your documentation. Base will put not the KEY but the actual DATA from the secondary table in the primary table field. Not what you have in mind at all, and not a linked relationship. It's critical to understand this.

You want a list box, which WILL do the placement of the foreign key in the primary table.

So, replace combo box with list box, and see if that doesn't work. It works perfectly for me.

However, I haven't been able to set up the list box manually (don't know enough SQL, etc.). Just use the wizard and it should work.

Let us know what happens.

1. Can't find where to select which column to use from a linked table. Good
to me is that I have only one column in each of these linked tables. But
there should be an option somewhere, maybe I just can't find it?
2. Now I have "location" combo showing proper content, while "assigned to"
does not show anyting. The only reason I can think of is that in linked
table "locations" the needed field is called "location", the same as in main
table. And in second linked table the needed field is called "person" and
not "assigned to". I'll try to rename it to have equal names but that is
somewhat inconvenient. Again this leads to Q1 - how do I select a column,
from which I take linked data?
3. Even though "location" shows linked data correctly in combobox, when I
select anything I just get a 0 in the field. I really want to keep seeing
linked data and not ID or whatever integer there is. And I don't understand
why it puts 0 whatever I choose in the box.

Pls hlp. =) Thank you!

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