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On Thursday 04 August 2011 23:54:24 Bill Gradwohl wrote:
On 08/04/2011 08:44 PM, Bob Stia wrote:
I have a document that I have had for years. Time to time I must open it,
edit it and close it again. It is Libreoffice password protected.  A few
days ago I opened the fdocument and then after editing closed it agaim.
The other night I tried to open it again and the password failed.


Thanks for the repies, to the three of you. I will answer Bill first. The 
other two suggestions will require some work but I will try them and report 

Look at what happens carefully. Even experiment on another test doc to
see a slight difference that may be significant.

I've experienced password failures on password protected documents part
way through the loading process after it successfully took my password
and then manufactured a bogus password failure message a certain
distance into the loading process.

The password failure messages are different depending on if you really
keyed in a wrong password or it pops up a bogus message.

Create a test document, password protect it and then ATTEMPT to open it
with a bad password. Is that the password message your real doc is
getting or is it another one? The other one is a bogus message after the
file's been corrupted.

OK, as you suggested I created a test document and followed your advice.
The failure messages on both my doc and the terst doc were exactly the same 
and failed immediately. No loading. I used bogey passwords several times on 
the test doc and then used the correct one. It opened prroperly so there was 
no corruption from trying that.

Thanks for trying to help. It is appreciated.

Bob S

I noticed this on a large spreadsheet that takes quite a while to load.
It would take my password, start to load, and then fail some seconds
later on some internal error and puts up a bogus message.

Bill Gradwohl
Roatan, Honduras
504 9 899 2652

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