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Le 25/07/2011 13:10, George R. Kasica a écrit :
OK..that gets the file in, but the first 4 rows that are always locked
with Headers get replaced as well even if I say from Line 4, and I've
tried both before and after sheet options. Also there are some calc
lines at the bottom that in Excel are automatically moved down if
there is more data than what is there now. With Calc it blows them
away and replaces them with data, BIG problem as some of the formulas
are quite time consuming to reenter and there's at least one  and
possibly as much as 3 for each column (Max, Min, etc)

In such a situation, I import into a file (always named identically) which I then use as a source for an external worksheet where the actual computations are done. This way, the import never breaks anything.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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