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Hi :)
I think i would approach this by using a database program rather than importing 
into a spreadsheet program.  A database program such as Base should be able to 
read the text-files directly.  Queries, Forms and Reports can be set-up to do 
the required calculations.  
Interesting idea, and I'm open to change as long as it gives accurate
results I'm open to it.

Setting it up would not be trivial!  It could be quite tricky especially if you 
have never used a database program before.  I would guess that it was not 
trivial to set it up for Excel either.
It wasn't, I'm an IT guy by trade so am familiar with several DB

Could you send me attachments off-list so i could have a copy of an original 
text-file, the blank you import the text into and an example of a completed 
sheet?  I might have enough time to have a quick poke around and perhaps show to 
some databasing experts over the next couple of weeks.  
Look for them shortly along with the Excel sheet as well.

Until you can get Calc or Base or something to do the task you will need to keep 
going back to Windows and MS Office.  Migrating away from systems you have spent 
years becoming familiar with often means returning for odd 1 or 2 tasks until 
you are ready.  There is no harm in running both systems alongside each other 
until you are ready to move over completely.
That's what I'm doing now, no hurry here, I'm just finally getting
time to work on moving off 2007 because I don't want to pay huge $$ to
go to 2010 for a few items I use it for.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)
Thanks, I'm sure we'll be emailing quite a bit.

Files to Follow.


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