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Thanks.  I had looked through styles, but this works better.  For example, whenever a character 
speaks, I need their name, in caps, in the center of the page.  While caps and centering is covered 
by styles, it's easier to use macros for all margin changes and to use a special one for character 
names, that types the entire character name AND does the rest.  Then all I have to remember is 
using the modifier key of my choice and 1,2,3 and 4, each for one margin.


On Jul 4, 2011, at 5:21 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
yw :)  I think it might be worth looking in "Styles and Templates" (Chapter 3) 
in the getting started guide

The word Styles is used very differently from Word and i haven't had time to 
explore it at all but from other questions here it sounds as though that or 
templates might help you settle the margins issue.

I found that setting the default paper size to A4 rather than US letter size 
sorted all that for me but i quite like wide margins
Format - Page - Page (tab)
The top option sets the default paper size (i think)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Hal Vaughan <>
Sent: Mon, 4 July, 2011 4:32:06
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Delete Key Does Not Work in OS X

I went on and uninstalled OOo.

We'll see if that creates a problem, but it hit me that all my important macros 
are working just fine.  (I NEED macros for script writing, since the margin is 
constantly changing and I can't keep using the mouse to change the margin 
literally 15 or more times a page -- I'd never get a thing done!)

I did notice one issue: While I had changed the file associations so .doc and 
.docx files were supposed to open in LO, if it was an email attachment, it was 
still opening in OOo -- until I deleted OOo and then it opened in LO.

And, yes, I still have the OOo installer.

For some reason, When I went to download LO for OS X, it prompted me for what I 
now know is the development branch.  When the next stable comes out, I'll change 
to that one.

Thanks for the help and for the guide!


On Jul 3, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
OpenOffice does sometimes conflict with LibreOffice if both are running 

some very weird problems.  There is a guide that helps

It makes sense to keep OOo and have a stable LO as well as the latest LO from 
the development branch.  Often the only noticeable problems stop if you switch 
off the "Quick launch" or "Quick Start" thing in OpenOffice so that it is not 
running all the time in the background.  The guide gives more detail and a more 

sophisticated approach to running different versions of LO and OOo on the same 

Another (but very inelegant) method would be to keep the downloads and 
installers so that you could uninstall ones you aren't currrently using.  It's 
probably easier to follow the guide tho!

Good luk and regards from
Tom :)

From: Hal Vaughan <>
Sent: Mon, 4 July, 2011 0:24:04
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Delete Key Does Not Work in OS X

On Jul 3, 2011, at 6:44 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
My Del key works on Windows Xp, Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10.  Both Ubuntu machines 
use LibreOffice 3.3.2.  The Xp machines use 3.3.3.  

I think the problem is something to do with download or install problems.  Do 
you still have OpenOffice installed on your system and does that still work 
fine?  If it is still installed that can create problems for LibreOffice 
especially if OpenOffice's "Quick Start" is always on.  If you uninstalled 
OpenOffice are your certain you fully uninstalled it?  
I still have OpenOffice installed -- wanted to keep it online "just in case."  
Also, I am still checking over all the macros.  I guess I should just remove 
OOo, since I'm more likely to fix any macros with issues than go back to OOo.  
There are only small changes here and there, but LO does seem to just "feel" 
better than OOo.  I don't know why, though.

But, on the other side of things, now that there are no macros assigned to the 
Delete key, after I closed out LO and started it up this morning, it's 

So I'm writing it up to just config change issues.  I doubt I could duplicate 
the issue again if I had to for bug reporting.



Regards from
Tom :)

From: Hal Vaughan <>
Sent: Sun, 3 July, 2011 6:49:24
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Delete Key Does Not Work in OS X

I'm using LO version 3.4.0 on OS X (latest version of OS X 10.6.8)

I've switched from OOo to LO.  Under OOo, if I hit the DELETE key, it would 
delete the character in front of the cursor and the BACKSPACE key would delete 

the one behind the cursor.

Now, on LO, the BACKSPACE key works, but the DELETE key will not delete the 

character.  I had to kill a definition for the key and it still won't delete 

next character.

I've Googled, but not found anything helpful.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

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