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On 6/17/2011 5:12 PM, planas wrote:
The current problem is we do not have any good information of what
features are not very important and do not extend the functionality for
all but a few users. The question is what mix of included and extensible
features should be available beyond those that are important. One of the
problems is you need either a lot different users surveyed at the same
time or smaller number surveyed over a longer period of time. For
example, most of the time I do not use a table of contents in my
documents but when I need the feature I must have it. How many people
need this feature irregularly versus those that often use it? I do not

this reminds be of a conversation I had with Microsoft people back in 2000. I'm disabled, I use speech recognition and quite frankly liberated office is not terribly speech recognition friendly (including its name). The conversation I was having with Microsoft was about speech enabling Microsoft Word. They kept coming up with these really huge unmanageable grammars to try and make every GUI elements accessible. I said "but I only use 10% of word" to which they replied "so does everybody else. The problem is they all use a different 10%"

I don't know if it's comfort to know that you're suffering from the same problems as Microsoft Word and there really isn't a very good way to solve the problem.

What I do in a speech interface is I try very hard to isolate grammars based on context and maybe that's the kind of thing you need to do. Yes, you will have cases where you have two ways of saying the same thing in two different contexts but it can't be helped.

and for what it's worth, to do good speech user interface (i.e. not something nuance gives you), it's becoming apparent to me that you need a backdoor interface giving read/write access to all GUI/plug-in accessible data. Then the speech user interface can present the information and operations in a UI appropriate context.

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