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On 6/11/2011 10:23 PM, planas wrote:

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 20:42 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

does anybody have an idea if I can use libreoffice to convert and "ordinary
document" into 300 word chunks, each chunk in its own HTML page or, preferably,
HTML fragment.

--- eric

Writer will save a document in html if you use SAVE AS and select html.
I am not sure how easy it would be break up a document into 300 word
chunks and get the results you want. You break the document up using
page breaks and then copy/paste each page into another document and save
the second document as html.

I am not sure of how clean the html will be. Most programs insert extra
formating that makes understanding what is going on difficult.
another way to think of this problem is formatting pages as if you're going to 
make a paperback book. Once you put in a hard break (which word processor should 
do automatically), you generate the next page (HTML or paper). I expect one 
could create the approximate word count by using a stylesheet with a restricted 
page size.  next trick being splitting them into separate pages.
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