On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 22:24, Tom Davies <tomdavies04@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
So, the argument is that people should follow rules(although they are really
only guidelines) in order to not be a drone?? and you say that someone elses
argument is silly! lol
Regards from
Tom :)
Tom, please stop top posting.
I'll make it clear: this list is not only about you or me. This list
is archived for the future. In order for those archives to be useful,
proper posting style is to trim posts and quote relevant parts in the
order of natural conversation. In English that means left to right and
top to bottom.
I dislike unnecessary scrolling as much as you do. But even worse is
an archive of useless, unsorted information. I like to google my
issues before asking, but top posting separates the answers from the
questions. That is like taking your family photos, cutting them up,
and putting all the pieces in a box. The information is all still
there, but it is so disorganized that it is impossible to enjoy.
Please, for the sake of the archives and those who use them, please
stop top posting.
Dotan Cohen
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT Top/Bottom posting] Re: Sun Weblog Publisher broken (continued)
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