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On Wed Dec 08 2010 09:41:00 GMT-0800 (PST) wrote:

Can you have both OOo and LibreOffice installed on Ubuntu?

I know that Go-oo and OOo look the same and use the same
menu and folders for Ubuntu.  I was wondering if LibreOffice
will use a different set of folders and such so I can install it
along side OOo 3.2.1 on my Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit desktop.

I am not a "expert" with Linux so it was "hard" for me to
figure out how to get Go-oo off my system and put OOo
from OOo's web site onto my system.  It would be nice
to have OOo on Ubuntu's repository and be able to choose
which version to use.

I did read that Ubuntu was thinking about placing LibreOffice
in its repository.  I do hope that you will be able to choose
between version/branches of OOo, or be able to have both
OOo and LibreOffice installed at the same time.

So the question still is, can you have both OOo and LibreOffice
installed into Ubuntu?

Please make any instructions easy to use.
Between a stroke and my "beginner-ish" knowledge of Ubuntu [or Linux],
I need complete instructions that are easy to understand.

The easiest way to install LibO is to download, and use Archive Manager 
to Extract the files.  Open a terminal session and cd to the DEBS folder 
where the files were extracted.  Then type in  sudo dpkg -i *.deb  and 
press enter.  Enter your password.  When the process is completed cd to 
the  desktop-integration  folder and rerun the  dpkg -i *.deb  command.
The install places files in a different location than OOo so there is no 
conflict between them.  Do be advised that there are a lot of 
pre-installed extensions that increase the size of the download.

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