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Hi y'all,

Mike Saunders wrote:
Well, one argument is that we have very limited resources to support two
branches. LibreOffice 7.5 won't be around forever, so at some point we'll
need to push people to update to 7.6/8.0, as the previous version won't be
maintained and could potentially have security issues.

I know this is missing the point on purpose: but just to state that
for the above problem, there's a technical solution called auto-update
(which is on the tender project list since a while).

[means to an end]

IMO, it's a lot like the whole "using proprietary services to reach users"
debate. Arguably, as a FOSS project, we should avoid closed platforms like
Twitter and Facebook. But we make a compromise and are active on those
platforms, because they are very effective for reaching new users and
communicating with them.

And I agree with that notion in general. The most obvious utilitarian
argument this project is making, is to invest a ton of effort into
supporting proprietary platforms like Windows and macOS, for our
**main** user base.


-- Thorsten

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