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Dear Mike,

Thank you for the clarification. I was in a perception that we will have to distinguish between the 
versions which are supporting enterprise and that for normal users.

I am wondering how this labeling (tagline) will make people aware if there is no distinguishing 
factors in offering. Matching customer demand with offering is our aim right?

IMHO, probably we need to do a customer segmentation and match the customer with our offering to 
improve awareness and usability. Please let me know if I am missing something here. (May be I have 
missed some points in between during very active and long discussion).


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-------- Original Message --------
On 12 Nov 2020, 14:41, Mike Saunders wrote:

Hi Sreekanth,

On 11/11/2020 18:34, Sreekanth V K wrote:

Have a single Installer file of very small size which will download easily.
Then this installer would allow to user to select standard or premium versions

Just to be clear, there will be no "premium" version from TDF or
anything like that, so there will be nothing to select. LibreOffice
isn't changing in any way -- it stays exactly as it is, with all the
features, and new features in every release.

So there will be no "versions" to select. This is entirely, 100% about
the tagline, and how to make users aware of LibreOffice-based apps from
the ecosystem, which may be better suited for enterprise users.

So a comparison table is indeed one idea, but it raises a lot of
questions: which apps from which ecosystem members do we include, which
features do we include etc. IMO it's far simpler to just segment users
quickly: Are you deploying LibreOffice in a large business? Check out
what the ecosystem offers. But you can also get the community-supported
version from TDF.


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