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Sharing/supporting they vision of Michael Weghorn, including his vision on the "No label is not an option"
They distinction matters; they name kind of 'trivial'. And what they 
opposite, Enterprise entails is also pretty unclear to me. Enterprise is 
pretty loaded term. As Enterprise suggests kind of features not useful 
for non-enterprises. Yes the package has problem some things, but LTS 
useful for everybody.
About they weaker, stronger topic. Collabora Office saying it's based on 
LibreOffice can be advantage but also a disadvantage. If something based 
on, I mostly checkout the core component first. And Collabora being 
mostly the same thing compared to LibreOffice, why use Collabora Office?
I surely unaware of Collabora/CIB being involved/ major code sponsors 
for LibreOffice.
About they code sponsors shooting themselves in they foot.

And does it make really a difference having LibreOffice TDF edition? Think more the homepage should short people by user groups. Left rolling releases, free to use.. nice story. Right company's stable, long term support/ still release (Cor proposal)
So LibreOffice and LibreOffice Enterprise (LTS or whatever). They 
additional label mostly used to segment a they product line. Basic, 
Advanced, Professional, Enterprise. And sometimes a Free edition being 
available (which mostly limited in functionality). However for me 
LibreOffice or LibreOffice TDF edition are equal. Not really 'impressed' 
by it. Not feeling of missing out on something. Which mostly targeted 
with segmenting.
So they value of the label kind to LibreOffice (build by TDF) kind of 
pointless.. And depending on they name reason for lots of complains. 
Most labels come with strings attached. And those which are without, 
lacking most of the desired effect. I don't experience much difference 
between LibreOffice of LibreOffice TDF edition. Except there are more 
edition present. But that can be communicated differently. Say: Kubuntu, 
Ubuntu, Xubuntu

Op 10-11-2020 om 09:59 schreef Michael Weghorn:

Hi Italo,

On 09/11/2020 23.52, Italo Vignoli wrote:
First of all, thanks for the proposals, although most of them are still
focusing on community members and not on end users. Sorry, but the label
must not please community members but educate - or help to educate - the
enterprises who are ignoring the concept of giving back to open source
projects in order to make the projects self-sustainable (in a way or
another, where the another is a plethora of forks backed each one by one
company, which is exactly the model we decided not to implement when we
launched LibreOffice). So, this is not a self-reassurance exercise for
community members, but a product positioning effort.

So, the proposals which can be included in the list are Sophie's
"CREATIVE" and Marco's "STANDARD" and "DESKTOP", as they provide several
options in term of communications. All other proposals cannot be used as
a basis for educating enterprises by exerting some moral suasion, as the
concept cannot be associated to the label.
after thinking about the whole topic once again, I have to say that I
wouldn't personally consider the approach to "exert some moral suasion"
by putting a label that is more or less supposed to say "Either buy a
LibreOffice Enterprise edition from an ecosystem company or don't use
LibreOffice at all in your organization" an approach that I'd be happy with.

In my opinion, the "Home Edition" label would pretty much have the same
misleading connotation as a "Personal Edition" label, which Regina's
email [7] describes well.

My main points are basically (partly already mentioned in my previous
emails to tdf-board-discuss [1][2][3][4][5], which probably don't count
anymore since the discussion was restarted here on the marketing list):

1) I believe it has the potential to decrease the use of LibreOffice
(from TDF as well as from ecosystem companies) in total, since
organizations that are discouraged to start/continue using LibreOffice
from TDF don't necessarily switch to LibreOffice Enterprise, but might
as well choose other alternatives, (e.g. OpenOffice, which still seems
to have a stronger brand than LibreOffice anyway).
I think that a more wide-spread use of LibreOffice (in whatever edition)
will in the end also result in more companies looking for (and being
willing to pay for) professional support of some kind. And IMHO, many
companies have needs for professional support besides the fact that
there is no "annoying label".
I personally think this would be the more sustainable approach at least
in the long run.

2) In my opinion, it has the potential to discourage several kinds of
contributions to LibreOffice by more or less advertising buying a
licensed enterprise version as the "only valid way" to use LibreOffice
inside an organization. While I believe that this may be the right
approach for many organizations, it excludes other kinds of
contributions that we should IMHO encourage, like e.g.:

* contribute to development oneself and profit from the improvements
with the next TDF version (without having to build a completely own
"edition" of LibreOffice that doesn't have the unwanted tagging)

* pay an ecosystem company for fixing bugs or adding features that will
be available in the next TDF version

* donate to TDF (and thus make it possible for TDF to fund tenders which
can in turn create revenue for ecosystem companies as well; assuming
that existing issues in the tendering process can be mitigated...)

While Michael gives good reasons in [6] why "many consultancies desire a
product based business, where a product is sold and paid for in advance"
and I think that's fair and an approach that should work well, I still
think that the other options still shouldn't be somewhat (explicitly or
implicitly) "discouraged".

Given that, and that "No label is not an option" (which would have been
the preferred option otherwise), I'd still be for something rather
neutral like "TDF Edition" (which still gives a hint that there are
other editions available as well, in particular when mentioned
explicitly at an appropriate place), but could live with "Standard
Edition", too (or another similar label, but "Basic" doesn't sound good
to me).



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