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Hello Marc,

Le Mon, 25 Nov 2013 05:28:16 -0500,
Marc Paré <> a écrit :

I would like to propose that we organize a yearly, and, official
"Inform your local library of LibreOffice Documentation 'Month'"
where we would enlist the help of our members/users into
visiting/contacting their local libraries to make sure that there are
copies of the latest LibreOffice docs on their shelves.

If you think this to be a good idea, we could make sure that this 
monthly "event" would be scheduled yearly, posted on our events
calendar as a "repeated event" so that it not be forgotten.

I am just wondering if there are any foreseeable problems that we
could avoid/fix if we were to initiate such a project?

The calendar month would have to be strategically picked in order to 
maximize the probability of a library having the funds to purchase a
set of docs for their shelves. For example in N.America, academic
library budgets (public schools, colleges, universities) will run
from June-May and most departments will get a notice that book
acquisitions should be placed by end of the month of February-end of
March; however most local public libraries budgets are based on the
calendar year, and acquisitions are generally made throughout the
year. IMO, in these cases, I would suggest the month of February or
March would be good picks for this type of appeal.

We would then use the month to collectively call on Libraries to 
purchase at least one copy of the set of LibreOffice docs for their 
shelves ... and hopefully a few more copies of the more popular
modules such as Writer.

Any ideas/comments? We would have enough time to prepare to pick the 
month to promote the push.

I'll be honest : I really have no idea about this field so I'll trust
you on that one. I had a comment though: do I get it right that the
purpose of such an event/campaign would be to spread guides about
LibreOffice? Or is it about spreading the word to librarians... or to
library users?

Thank you for this!
Charles-H. Schulz 
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