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Hi :)
Personally i think it would be better to try subtitles and leave the normal 
language as it was spoken by the person.  If the subtitles could be in something 
like srt so that people could translate it for other languages then that would 
be great.  I think that might mean subtitles in English/American even when the 
speaker is speaking in English/American.  

This approach would emphasis the international nature of the project but it 
might not be what people are looking for as i missed earlier emails (just trying 
to catch up now!).  

Regards from 
Tom :)

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>
Sent: Wed, 20 July, 2011 13:04:25
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] voiceovers for LibOCon

On 07/20/2011 07:40 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

I still have the offer from a speaker to do voice-overs for LibreOffice. So 
far, we didn't make use of it. :-) What just popped to my mind was:

Would it be helpful to have some voice-overs for the LibreOffice Conference? Is 
there any place we could air them, or do we have any videos that still need some 


What could be done is make a slide show presentation with facts and information 
why people should use LibreOffice.  Then make a video from that.  Then we could 
have a voice-over doing his/her work so it is an audio/visual presentation.

Once we have something like that, is could be used as a presentation video that 
could be downloaded and shown to those potential users who like info-mercial 
style of presentation to help choose LO as their office suite.

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