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On 3/23/11 3:35 PM, Kinshuk Sunil wrote:

Do we have any licensing guideline for Marketing materials?
No. I use Creative Commons CC-BY-SA because is known outside the 
software world (although in a very limited way). I do not use the GFDL 
because a presentation does not belong to the documentation category.
FSF states that: "The GFDL was designed for manuals, textbooks, other 
reference and instructional materials, and documentation which often 
accompanies GNU software".
- 2 slides of history for an unconference seems a bit much. when I
present and explain this bit I simply state 3 highlights:
-- LIbreOffice original codebase is 10+ years
-- Sun bought it originally, and it's been a commercial product that
inherited restrictions and problems of non-free products + business models
-- When Oracle bought Sun they failed at embracing a truly free open
source business model, which precipitated TDF and LibreOffice fork. I
also mention most free open source software projects health can be
directly measured by the community size/participation,
foundation/organization(s) behind the project, and their governance
IMHO these two slides are, in a way, a celebration of the journey that
OOo/LibO has been till now. They can be an information overload, but can
easily be skipped during presenting, depending on the audience interest.
I personally like the two slides.

- Under "Why LibreOffice", it's a bit repetitive. I expect the history
part would cover that, just as I mentioned above
- I believe a critical problem is that a corporation owns the trademark,
and as such has complete control of the project in many ways, you could
cite Firefox as an example. This is (as I understand it) one particular
reason why OOo can't be considered strictly free. Java dependency
(particularly on Windows + Mac platform) may be a better way to explain
the non-freedom bit - I'll gladly stand corrected
I am not sure about the Java example. Isnt Java released as free software,
under GPL, as well ?
Yes, although the license might be LGPL as for OOo.

- Cloud office doesn't strike me as related to the decision to lauch TDF
+ LibO
It was an example of how a corporation having control of OOo, can dictate
its future course, as well. I assume, This happened after TDF+LibO ?
No, it was announced months before, when they announce the insane Oracle 
Open Office.
Ah, and one last bit, in the interest of "dogfooding", please do not
publish your presentation on SlideShare only. They still advertise
"uploaded as OpenOffice", and their terms of use add important
restrictions to any content you upload there. This has improved in the
last 2 years (they use to restrict it for personal use, only use Flash,
etc), but remains problematic, or at the very least inconsistent when
you are presenting about free software. Please consider uploading your
presentation to the Marketing section of the wiki, and you can mention
this in your presentation too.
Slideshare is very popular, and presentations published on SlideShare 
are usually picked up by search engines and are easier to find by people 
outside the software industry.
Italo Vignoli
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