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25.04.2016 u 12:13, Dennis Roczek je napisao/la:
The basis idea is to provide a portal which provides tools to pack the
word lists to dictionaries automatically by scripts and - if possible -
to update and upload the new version of the dictionary to the download
pages. (e.g. the extension centre of AOO / LO or Mozilla's page) The
portal should provide a way for users to help the maintainers and
proposing new words or contact the maintainer if there are errors in the
word list.
I think that's a great idea and I look forward to it (although I can do 
very little to help).
First time I look for a Hunspell dictionary, I look into Hunspell's own 
source code. How stupid of me (or is it?).
People often complain about abandoned dictionaries but having a central 
repository could make maintaining easier. There are languages that 
haven't been updated for fifteen years. Maintaining dictionaries the way 
we do translations could be beneficial for smaller languages. It would 
be very helpful to hear about missing or wrong word form in a dictionary.
You can't abandon Wikipedia article, this way you could not abandon 
dictionary; there will always be somebody to continue when one losses 
interest. It's very hard take over maintaining unmaintained dictionary.
But I see big ones to complain about doing things this way.

Building plugins for other projects also sounds good, it's hard to beg 'Hey, I've updated word list, could you please update that Firefox plugin you maintain, you haven't done it for two years'.
But again, what will make that Firefox person to actually include that 
updated dictionary.
It could be great repository for developing dictionaries and updating 
ones i LO, but doubt that cooperations with other project will go the 
way it was communicated in initial mail.

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