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Hi Robert,
Le 10/12/2015 02:07, Robert Alexander a écrit :
Hi everyone,
thank you all for putting so much consideration into this discussion.

I am quite happy to independently create tutorial videos for LibreOffice if
it turns out that this is the best route for the project as a whole. I was
originally going to do that, but decided it would be good to get in touch
in case you needed specific kinds of tutorials. So whatever happens, my
plan is to make LibreOffice tutorials for the foreseeable future.
Thank you very much for that. We have an official TDF channel on YouTube
if you are interested to reference or upload your videos there. For now,
the only ones that are referenced are those done by
TheFrugalComputerGuy, see [1] for Writer for example. In any case, I'm
managing the channel for the moment so don't hesitate to poke me.
My current workflow means that I create transcripts(technically scripts) of
my videos, which may be helpful to you as no one will have to go back and
create them if they are needed.
ok, for the rest, I let you see with the documentation team. Lera has a
very good overview of where the documentation is aiming, so I'm sure you
will be able to find a way together.



Sophie Gautier
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