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Could someone please explain what's currently proposed in terms that avoid terms like 'master' There are a lot of localizers who work on the basis of 'I see a string, I translate it' who aren't necessarily familiar with masters and branches and whatnots but since this will affect localizers, this should be explained in simple terms. A lot of the people I support off-list wouldn't be able to make that choice knowing what they're getting themselves in for.
Or let me rephrase that as a question. Does the current proposal
- minimize retranslation work by not presenting localizer with hundreds of retranslations when the English source goes from a formatted something to an unformatted something or back again? - present the localizers with stable strings i.e. strings which are likely in their final form for use in the UI?

Sgrìobh Stanislav Horáček na leanas 12/12/2014 aig 11:45:
Keeping master updated always means more work and it is the reason why 
I think that each team should decide if they want to use master or not.
Best regards,

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