Dňa 13.10.2011 17:49, Sérgio Marques wrote / napísal(a):
Is there any chance of someone with skills make a bash script to remove
accelerators from translation (msgstr) files?
Hi, this seems to be easy:
In the topmost directory issue the following command:
sed -i.xx '/^msgstr/ s/\~//g' `find . -name \*po`
find . -name \*po finds all po files
`find . -name \*po` enters list of these files to the command
sed -i does inplace modification, backing up the original file to
the command s/\~//g replaces all ~character by nothing
/^msgstr/ allows to do that only on lines, which start by msgstr
(you probably do no want to change the English lines and the lines which
specify ~ as the accelerator.)
Once done, you can check the differences by:
for i in `find . -name \*.po`; do diff $i.xx $i >$i.diff; done
for each po file, a file with differences is created with the following
73c73 .... line number
< msgstr "Otvo~riť len na čítanie" .... input
msgstr "Otvoriť len na čítanie" ..... output
If you want to see the ~ characters, use the following before and after
grep \~ `find . -name \*.po`
While it is easy to get all po files from pootle, I do not know, if it
is possible to upload many files at once. Perhaps, git access is useful
to do this.
Be careful, always make backups and check the result