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[looks like the below didn't make it through to the list for some reason, so resending:]
On 16/01/2019 15:46, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 16/01/2019 15:08, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
I use gcc 8.2.1 20190101 with self buill linux.  I do not want to compile LO linking with static libraries, which I have
already as .so on my system, so no ./configure .
In which case you need to find out which of your system dependencies 
defines a type "boolean" in a way that the external/pdfium/ code doesn't 
expect and can't cope with.  (For me on Fedora 29 it would e.g. be
typedef int boolean;
in /usr/include/jmorecfg.h from libjpeg-turbo-devel-2.0.0-1.fc29.x86_64.)


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