Hi, On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 09:48:01AM +0000, Дилян Палаузов <dpa-libreoffice@aegee.org> wrote:
building LO using “../configure --enable-evolution2 --enable-avahi --enable-python=system --enable-eot --enable- online-update --enable-introspection=yes --without-doxygen --with-jdk-home=/opt/jdk --with-ant-home=/opt/ant --without- junit --enable-formula-logger --enable-introspection --with-system-bzip2 --with-system-cairo --with-system-epoxy --with- system-zlib --with-system-jpeg --with-system-expat --with-system-libxml --with-system-icu --with-system-openldap -- without-system-poppler --with-system-curl --with-system-boost --with-webdav --with-krb5 --with-gssapi --with-system- lcms2 --with-boost --with-system-nss --with-system-graphite --with-system-harfbuzz --with-system-openssl --with-system- libpng --disable-firebird-sdbc --disable-gtk”
This is a very long list of options: as a first build, can you simply try './configure' without any parameters?
fails with the error message below.
Please state your operating system and compiler versions, otherwise it's hard to help. Regards, Miklos
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