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Some of our baselines on current master (towards LO 5.4) are as follows:

* GCC 4.7 (<> "configure: GCC 4.6 is no longer supported on master")
The latest version is GCC 6.  Noteworthy C++ conformance we would gain 
with a bump (according to 
<>) would be:
** GCC 4.8.1:
*** inheriting constructors
*** ref-qualifiers

** GCC 4.9:
*** decltype(auto), return type deduction for normal functions
*** generic lambdas
*** deprecated attribute
*** single quote as digit separator

** GCC 5:
*** variable templates
*** user-defined literals for <chrono> and <string>

The question is what old versions of GCC are required exactly by the various builds.

* MSVC 2015 Update 3 (<> "Drop support for MSVC 2013")
Bumping this to MSVC 2017 is unlikely to happen anytime soon, given we 
bumped to MSVC 2015 Update 3 only recently.

* For --enable-compiler-plugins, Clang 3.4 (<> "Remove support for Clang < 3.4")
The latest version is Clang 4 (just released the other day).  Bumping 
this would allow to clean up some #ifdefs across compilerplugins/clang/. 
 The question is what old versions of Clang are required exactly by 
people building with --enable-compiler-plugins.
(For our C++ conformance, the oldest supported Clang version is rarely 
the limiting factor.)

* macOS 10.8 (<>)
Bumping this to macOS 10.9 would get rid of the last known case of 
"Found out that Mac OS X 10.9 has working threadsafe statics").  What is 
unknown however is the status on Android and iOS.  Having 
HAVE_THREADSAFE_STATICS everywhere would allow to clean up code, see 
e.g. <> "replace 
double-checked-locking with C++11 static initializer".


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