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On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <>

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Maarten Hoes <>
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Maarten Hoes <>

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Markus Mohrhard
<> wrote:

Maybe not weekly but bi-weekly or monthly. Otherwise it will only be
done from time to time without a plan.

Hrm. Good point.

Even weekly would not hurt as
we have neither a problem with disk space or build hardware.


You can choose whatever technology is a good fit and that you know.
course something that other people can understand and maintain is
preferred. A shell script sounds like a good idea for this task and
would simplify the handling.

Alright, I guess that means Ill have a go at it, then. So who do I
need to
mail my pub ssh key and what is the hostname/ip of the machine I would
allowed to royally mess up for this purpose ?


So I have something now that seems to work (doing a first test run now)
the vm cloph kindly provided, but has no logging, error notification,
updating, error handling, or uploading of reports.

Time for a few questions:

Where do the reports have to be uploaded to ?

What do you want the script to do when it detects a failure ? Log an
error ?
Send an email to an admin ?

Does the script have to handle its own source code updating ? git pull ?

all these 3 point could be solved by putting that job under jenkins
control.. I'll have a look at doing that.

Alright, so no complex error handling code then. But I guess you still will
want the script to exit with a non-zero exit code if a single one of the
commands in it fails (so jenkins can pick up on the failure) instead of it
just blindly continuing as if nothing happened ?

If the make check (run the tests) fails, do you want the script to:

Ideally I would chain that job behind a sucessful build, so that this
does not happen
iow first fidn a 'good' commit, then submit the job....
but before that happen, the msot usefull way would be I think to just
drop that build, and retry a bit latter with hopefully a good build at
that time

So in other words: instead of 'make -k check' do a 'make check', and have
the script exit with a non zero exit code if the make command fails ?

Should I send a license/code statement to the list for the 'code', even
though this is just a shell script ?

This is not really part of the product we package... os just put an
appropriate open-source license statement at the to of the script.
and prolly the best is to find a place for it in 'buildbot.git'
(accessble via gerrit)

So where does this 'buildbot.git' live, and how do I set up submit access
to that so I can commit the script ?

- Maarten


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