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On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Christian Lohmaier <> wrote:

Hi Maarten, *,

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Maarten Hoes <>
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Markus Mohrhard
<> wrote:

Alright, I guess that means Ill have a go at it, then. So who do I need
mail my pub ssh key and what is the hostname/ip of the machine I would
allowed to royally mess up for this purpose ?

That would be me - and IP/hostename will be decided once I created it
:-) - what kind of specs does it need? Does running it needs lots of
RAM? Does it benefit of many cores?

It basically needs to be able to run 'make build-nocheck' and 'make -k
check', which benefit from multiple cores and memory. Running lcov is a
single threaded thing as far as I can determine, so that would not benefit.
Ive created the report on a 4 cpu 8 GB ram vmware vm in about a few hours I
guess, so that would be more than sufficient if you ask me. Furthermore, it
needs to be able to run 'git clone/pull' to get the latest code. And
lastly, it needs to be able to run './configure --with-system-libs && make
build-nocheck' without problems, so the prerequisite non-libreoffice libs
can be easily filtered out of the resulting report.

- Maarten


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