On 03/20/2013 05:45 PM, Andreas Radke wrote:
We are running in a bug with the current package file lists making Calc and Base to fail to load without having Writer installed. Check https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/34332 and https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/34378. It turns out that Calc and Base now need /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/registry/writer.xcd present on the system.
soffice.bin failing early with "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'" when there is no share/registry/writer.xcd smells like configmgr::Components::parseXcdFiles (configmgr/source/components.cxx) throwing because another share/registry/*.xcd file contains a
<dependency file="main"/>The only such file I could find is share/registry/librelogo.xcd, for the LibreLogo feature introduced in LO 4.0.
And indeed, at least with the "official" generic Linux downloads from <http://www.libreoffice.org/download> libobasis4.0-librelogo- (containing share/registry/librelogo.xcd) only depends on libobasis4.0-core01 but not on libobasis4.0-writer. I'll see to get that fixed.
However, for the two archlinux issues mentioned above, I would assume that this things are packaged differently there, and share/registry/librelogo.xcd erroneously ends up in some core package? Which would make those issues downstream ones.