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On Thu, 2012-12-13 at 08:51 +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
IIRC, Cairo also runs on win32, so why not using it instead of gdi+ ?

        We actually shipped a version using the cairo canvas by mistake at some
stage - that caused serious grief because of a (IIRC now fixed) font
rendering nasty.

How is cairo's performance against gdi+ on Windows?  Do you know?

        Any discussion of performance without profiling is just a total waste
of time :-) I would put very good money on the poor draw / drawinglayer
performance around rendering large documents being -absolutely-nothing-
to do with either cairo or VCL, and everything to do with dumb
algorithmic stupidities caused by layering, and hidden behind some
otherwise apparently obvious code :-) We can push pixels at blinding
speed - but if the real problem is an N^3 in the rendering path in the
number of objects it's not going to help at-all ;-)

        So - where's the profile ? more to the point - where is the
document ? :-) Kohei - I assume this is your nice class diagram /
documentation ? if so - I'd love to have the canonical version of that
in git / core as a flat odg (flat so revision control is meaningful and
reasonable small). Far too few people know about your good work there



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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