On 29/06/12 10:56, Michael Meeks wrote:
* Pending Action Items + [pending] merge the new pretty templates in place of the old ugly ones (Michael S)
hmm... how come the minutes say i am merging templates? i consider it unlikely that i said i would do such a thing, except possibly if i had a habit of talking in my sleep :) so probably somebody else wanted to do that (the topic that woke me up was that C++0x fiasco...)
+ new problems shown up with this - + Caolan has tool for templates to strip lang tags so it works + try template lang tag stripping tool + need to fix & merge for Beta3
* gerrit update (Bjoern) + please review mst's patches for the -3-5 branch (mst) + only those in the reviewer field get mailed + not got a fire-hose to the ML yet
vmiklos has done that :)
* un-merged patches in bugzilla (Bjoern) + Bjoern worked on a few, many are already merged => just close them. + query of doom for the recent batch: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?chfieldto=Now&chfield=[Bug%20creation]&chfield=alias&chfield=assigned_to&chfield=cclist_accessible&chfield=component&chfield=deadline&chfield=everconfirmed&chfield=rep_platform&chfield=op_sys&chfield=priority&chfield=product&chfield=qa_contact&chfield=reporter_accessible&chfield=resolution&chfield=bug_severity&chfield=bug_status&chfield=short_desc&chfield=target_milestone&chfield=bug_file_loc&chfield=version&chfield=votes&chfield=status_whiteboard&query_format=advanced&chfieldfrom=2012-05-10&list_id=88624&field0-0-0=attachments.ispatch&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=PLEASETEST&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=1&product=LibreOffice
Caolan and me made some progress here (i've pushed 2 patches, mostly though reset attachment flags or resolved bug), now down to 49 bugs with patch.