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On 06/13/2012 06:39 PM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
On 13/06/2012 17:26, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 06/12/2012 02:48 PM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Sinds dev 3.6 the MySQL Native connector (for Windows) is broken , the can not been loaded during the extention installation , i
suppose the extension code have to be recompiled against the latest LO
Ha, looks like

"Enable -Wnon-virtual-dtor for GCC 4.6" is the culprit. Among other
things, it changed the destructor of cppu::OPropertySetHelper from
public to protected, which with MSC changes the corresponding mangled
symbol name from ??1OPropertySetHelper@cppu@@QAE@XZ to
??1OPropertySetHellper@cppu@IAE@XZ, so breaks compatibility of

I'm working on a fix.
Stephan, also thanks but Michael Meeks wrote also :

Fridrich is having a look, if it worked for 3.5 - it is possible there
is some funky linking issue and/or calling convention, or missing
back-compat piece we might need to re-instate.

Hopes you and Fridrich dont do the same job :-)
No, it was a concerted effort.  :)

Anyway, fixed now with <> "Revert MSVC ABI incompatible URE change (public -> protected)" on master and libreoffice-3-6 (3.5 was not affected).


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