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As the MySQL Native Connector Extension is not supported by this community, filling a issue is not the point.

Sinds dev 3.6 the MySQL Native connector (for Windows) is broken , the can not been loaded during the extention installation , i suppose the extension code have to be recompiled against the latest LO code. The extension was working well for LO 3.5 and (after some user data tweaking) also for OO 3.4 As this a huge handicap for all LO MySQL users i hope this minner compiling problem can been solved.
As i understood from Alex Thurhood,
"For something to happen on Windows, it would require someone with the
dedication and knowledge to build AOO on that OS, and to know how to
re-integrate the build of the connector back into the build tree
(make/config files), because my understanding is that it has been ripped
out, unless there is just some magical configure switch that lets you
turn it back on again. "
this can been done but needs some knowledge, ltime and machine power ? I lack the knowledge, time and machine can been deliverd

Hope someone can helps




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