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On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 19:42 +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
 No, you see it backwards :). It reduces code annoyances for IMO very little 
        Personally I'm a fan of Lubos' efforts here; possibly we need an
underlying namespace to avoid conflicting with other software we link,
but having to endlessly type it looks and feels (as I type it) deeply

        On the other hand, I type rtl::OUStringToOString( aFoo,
RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() dozens of times in a week, and each
time it annoys me - but not enough to do anything about it ;-) and if
the namespace allowed me to have an rtl::StringToUtf8(aFoo).getStr()
replacement, I'd be rather happy ;-)

        Anyhow - beyond this - it seems to me that (in general) having some
global namespace aliases that would allow us to migrate away from
the ::com::sun::star:: madness everywhere would be really rather nice
(though one to push to the post-relicensing way-point ;-). ie. having a

        namespace api = com::sun::star::;

        or whatever three-letter, non-magic prefix that someone competent can
make up (and/or we can bike-shed over in advance ;-) that we could use
there would be rather attractive to me, and allow us to lay the work now
(without breaking the ABI) for switching that to a real single

So I see nothing wrong with trying to get them as 
conveniently usable as possible, as ::any::little::annoynance::there 
        Totally agreed; you've done a load to reduce aggravation and increase
readability here, and I love it :-)

        Which makes me thing - as/when we freeze 3.6 it might be a good idea to
have a week-long hack-fest to work on / plan the biggest elements of the
LibreOffice 4 star-treck future API/ABI wise.

        Oh - and finally (Lubos) I pushed an item to the ESC agenda to discuss
whether we should be exposing tons of classes and their symbols in the
product, just to make unit tests work :-)

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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