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Hi Caolán,

On Monday, 2011-09-05 13:59:16 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 01:22 +0200, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 02:39:37PM +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
But before going there, I just need to make sure that we are on the same
page wrt keeping the new algorithm and moving on to fixing whatever
needs fixing.
I'm not sure we want to keep the new algorithm as default, given that
there are probably many areas in several applications to be adapted to
the new behavior. Maybe best we make that an option until necessary
changes are done. Opinions?
That fine with me, even having the new algorithm as an off by default
option would be fine.
*speculation*, presumably this would have to be bubbled down at an
OutputDevice level or something.
Sounds like an approach, though I don't have any idea how that could be
accomplished given the different layout engines.

However, I fear that too many tweaks exist in application code because
of all those "in my Excel|Word|PowerPoint it is a pixel taller/smaller"
complaints. While the casual user maybe could be convinced that now we
do it the right way, for forms and legal or professional documents this
may indeed be a problem, especially if a print-out suddenly consists of
less pages or forms aren't lined up with pages anymore.


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