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On 20/05/11 08:27, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
Hi all,

Sorry, I couldn't join yesterday. I'm just wondering where the
reviewboard action item went? is that a dropped idea or does it still
deserves some action?
I meant to say something when this was originally floated but got distracted. I think the idea of those kinda tools are good, I have even used similar ( maybe even it was the the one ) tools previously for reviewing and found them really good. However I would say that I think these work best in a closed environment, by closed I mean a tight group that are the reviewers that control the whole thing. The disadvantages for us I see is the need for a new list to subscribe to ( who needs yet another list ) or having to have an account in some webserver that hosts the tool(s) Posting to the dev list to me remains in my view the most inclusive way of doing reviews, it's process light, everyone gets to see what happening, and most importantly ( imo ) all can learn from the reviews ( it's real easy to dip-in/out of any review thread as you wish ) I really wish to stress the 'learn' aspect because I think reviews are a key way for people to learn about the code ( no joke I think I learn something new every day on this list from the reviews that I read ) imho we should make it as easy for people to be exposed to the reviews as possible

just my 2 whatever



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