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On Thu, 2011-05-05 at 03:27 -0700, plino wrote:
I guess my understanding of the tree analogy wasn't correct. So the
trunk is the main code which comes from version 0.0 and will keep
growing and from which a new branch (3.5) will soon "sprout"
        Sure - although we don't branch early since it makes much more work -
the more places we have to commit to, the more pain that causes, so - we
try to avoid it. So master will not branch until we start to freeze for
3.5 - ie. some months away.

Within the 3.4 branch a new sub-branch was created (named 3.4Beta).
        Well - since we don't plan to release a 3.4Beta1.1 we just tag for
these releases instead of branching. We will finally create a branch:
libreoffice-3-4-0 at some stage when we start to have fixes that we
don't want to put into 3.4.0 but we really want for 3.4.1 (ie. when it
makes sense). Petr manages that whole flow, along with picking the best
time for branching and so on.

Am I wrong to assume that a current nightly build from the 3.4 branch
is a better option for Beta testing (since the dev build fix was
committed) than the official Beta4?
        Right - that should be so.

Why not skip Beta4 and release Beta5? It's not unusual in software
development to skip releases...
        Its not clear what advantage that would give.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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