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The advantage is that if you would tag Beta5 for release TODAY it would
already include the switch that prevents is from overwriting the stable
build since that has already been committed.

If you mean the --enable-release-build switch, that has been introduced to the master branch only.

Please note that we have never tested in practice full-scale what effect it has on our build. What 
if it has some unintended unexpected consequence, that didn't show up in OOo's "OOo-Dev' builds? 
For instance due to our multi-lingual installer mechanism. Then we would need to fix that, and 
probably yet another beta.

Also, I assume the plan is that beta4 will be ready by weekend. If we would cherry-pick the change 
that introduced that switch to the 3-4 branch now, the beta4 build would have to be restarted, and 
as it takes more or less a day especially for Windows, and the working hours are already over 
today, we would not have time to get a build before the weekend.



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