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Ok, a quick status update on this. Have been working on it some more - the
current code is available at . Notes on the current
progress below.

Added the information on getting a Linux backtrace

Added information that can pop up depending on which checkboxes are checked.
Currently missing information in several items - is there helpful stuff to
be added, or best to leave some of them blank?

Added a Submit button - not currently setup to bring up a pre-filled bug
    Clicking it takes you to the bug reporting page - this should be set up
to link automatically to the pre-filled report instead - currently working
on this.

Added a link to bypass all of these steps if the user wants to.

Only remaining steps are to fill in the checkbox info with useful
information, add new checkboxes if needed, and set up the bug reporting
pre-filling thing.

So the plan for doing the custom fields is to generate a custom URL, based
on the options selected by the user.

An example pre-filled URL:

The fields available appear to be:


Which can for our purposes be narrowed down to (I think):

&comment= # Fills the description field. Can be used to remind the user to
attach files depending on previous answers.
&keywords= # If used, will need to follow this format:
word1,%20word2,%20word3  (the %20 represents a space)

The 'keywords' field can be filled with info such as a "crashesprogram" or
"lossoflayout" field or similar while the 'comment' field can, as mentioned,
provide reminders to the user to perform actions.

Does anyone have more suggestions by chance to improve this? I'm definitely
interested :).



On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Daniel Neel <> wrote:

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Jonathan Aquilina <

 Daniel just a suggestion if its not already available in the current

I am not sure if you have worked with launchpad the ubuntu bug tracker,
but with it you have the ability to assign a bug to a team or user. Is that
something that could be implemented so that users who are signed up to the
bug tracker can file bug and assign themselves to the bug if they can fix
it? That will help avoid duplication of work and allow others to work on
other bugs :)

Hmm, I think something similar is implemented in Bugzilla, but I'm not sure
since I haven't really used it yet. There's an 'Assign To:' field that seems
to be enabled in all bug reports. I'm not sure if you can specify teams to
assign it to, or just individuals.

I looked this up a bit and it seems to be half-implemented on the current
bug reporting form. At , click
"Show Advanced Fields". On some other projects on freedesktop bugzilla, when
you select an item in the "Component:" list, the "Assign To:" field changes
to the corresponding person/team. The LibreOffice bug reporting just
defaults to reporting all bugs to the libreoffice-bugs mailing list though.
So I'm thinking that the people who deal with triaging bugs would prefer to
assign all bugs to the same mailing list, rather than individual

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:00 AM, Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:

Cool, thank you a lot! :-)  One more request to the workflow; when it is
a crasher, and on Linux, please ask (the similar way as you are asking
about the document) to attach a backtrace that is to be obtained as
described here:

Will get started on adding this and the tags now. I'm thinking a solution
would be to have a 'Submit' button at the bottom of this form, that when
clicked links to a new bug report on Bugzilla with some of the fields
pre-filled (tags, other things?).

I think it does not have to be exactly part of this page; I can imagine
even some kind of which would do this
pre-triage.  If we advertise it accordingly, most of the reports will go
through that.

Good deal, that makes sense. After the work is finished I can look into
making either a dedicated page for the pre-triaging (maybe a sub-page of or another page that
can be linked to. Either way, it should be possible to change the current
links for reporting bugs (on the website, wiki, etc) to link to the
pre-triaging page.

I think for the beginning these can be just a text in the first comment
that you'll generate for the bugreport; or Whiteboard tags.

Hmm...would Whiteboard tags be better here? I'm not really sure how they
work. I get the impression that they're tags which the bug reporter can make
up, rather than having to be pre-defined by an admin? If so this seems like
a good solution - would allow people to view a list of, say, all the crasher
bugs at once. Unless I'm understanding the idea incorrectly?


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