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* Francois Tigeot <> schrieb:

Should LO be including 3rd party software to facilitate the work of people who
don't know what they are doing ?
At the cost of everybody else ? (from devs through package/dist maintainers
to end users who all have to waste lots of their resources)

But I do think that somebody running some random old Unix box would prefer
to get an all-inclusing LibreOffice package.
Who are these people ? Do they really exist ?
Yes, where do they live ? In some deep caves or on high mointains ?
I'd really like to know some of these guys ... ;-o

All live platforms have to be proactive in managing software; if you decide
to freeze some old version of a third-party library or program and include
it in LO, this software will suffer from bit-rot, accumulate uncorrected bugs
and security issues.

You may try to patch it yourself, but this will increase your work and become
unsustainable after a while.
In the end, LibreOffice will become a worse product.
That's exactly one of the _major_ problems that made OO so bad and
kept possible devs (including myself) away.

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service --

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 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme


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