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On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 07:22:07PM +0300, Sophie Gautier wrote:
This is great thanks ! I really hope that one day all our dialogs
will be able to magically adapt to our strings, that will save
everybody's time. Well, I know it's not easy any way.
And I hope some f* day a day will come when it's nt a blocker when
a enlish text isn't translated. (That of course depends on the circumstances,
but I don't thinhk a untranslated preamble is such a circumstance)

English is de facto a thing everyone should know, even more so if
they are going to read the license. (And I would even
argue the preamble of the license belongs to the license itself, 
and thus shouldn't be translated anyways).

I also have to live with the fact that en_US iś "english", whereas
that's deserved by en_GB because that's the original english. I don't
add this as stopper either.


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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