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On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 5:25 AM, TentleXS <> wrote:
Am 27.12.2010 20:12, schrieb Octavio Alvarez:
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:49:19 -0800, TentleXS <> wrote:

Hallo @all,
my name is Pascal and I would like to contribute the following
translated code comments in "writer\sw\source\core\edit\edfmt.cxx". My
native language is german so I hope it's OK that I did the translation.
Do you take requests? :-) I've been trying to work with these files, but
I can't get the sense out of them. I'm putting my hope on the comments
which are currently in German.


I am learning the workflow for contributing, so please excuse me if I
did something wrong. I am glad if you decide to point me to resources
where I can read up on how to contribute more effectively. I am not sure
if I should mention that this code and its comments is contributed under
LGPLv3+ / MPL ... because I just changed the comments ... but of course
it is. (It's just for new code/code-changes, right?)
Also, I would send it as a git patch so the committer can keep your
authorship information. Otherwise, if someone picks your diff up he will
need to apply your diff and create the commit himself and your
authorship information gets lost.
LibreOffice mailing list

I hope I did this right.
This should be a patch file for

Do I have to name the file differently?

LibreOffice mailing list


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