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On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 14:33 +0100, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
I think the biggest issue is the offline editing; and I think here we
can use the Wiki Publisher
(  to
edit the pages in LibreOffice.
        Ooh - that is an interesting idea :-)

  I did not test it yet, but if the
extension misses the functionality to merge the changes done in the
wiki, it will be easy to plug it to LibreOffice document merge feature.
        Sure; but I suspect there are issues around dictionaries, and other
helpful tooling that make translators lives easy :-)

        Anyhow - it'd be great to collect the ideas for flows into the wiki
page; quite possibly there are several flows possible, and we can choose
per language. eg. if there is already a near-perfect translation, I can
understand people might not want it 'vandalised' by others changing
it :-) On the other hand, if there is simply no translation at all
currently for a language, almost anything might look better than nothing
- so perhaps an in-wiki-editing policy might make sense.

        Either way, I for one am excited by the idea of having something that
is easier to edit and improve in English, although clearly the more, and
higher quality help in English we have, the harder the (already huge)
help translation problem becomes I guess.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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