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On Thu, 2 Dec 2010 17:45:17 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
       would anyone scream if we defaulted configure to --without-java ?
I would.
I would not.
[ this is primarily for developers ], should make it easier to build
Come on, what is hard about installing a JDK?
My LibO build failed with the included openjdk, gcj, and sun-jre
installed, I had to remove openjdk, and then I had to remove the gcj
java stuff, and *only* when I had the sun stuff left, would LibO
actually build without screaming about not being able to detect
Java. (when I actually had java installed and in my path).

I spent about 3 hours to get the right stuff installed. During
configure time (which I run often), I am always annoyed as the "checking
for ant..." part takes longest.

+1 for disabling. Or let's include Java properly, like we include
python. Perhaps dalvik, I am sure Oracle would like that. Oh no! :)


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