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Hi Mattias,

On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 18:26 +1100, Mattias Johnsson wrote:
Here are my patches for the easy hack / programming task "Count
characters without whitespace in the Writer statistics." Since it's
something translators have apparently been asking for to have
for eight years (see and it'd be nice for
it to appear in LibreOffice :-)
Thanks for your patches, I reviewed them and cleaned up a bit the
SwTxtNode::WordCount() method as you added some commented code. I also
kept the condition for the aScanner.GetLen() > 1... is there any reason
to remove that?

I removed the task from the EasyTasks list. Keep providing nice patches
like those ;)


Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer


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