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Hi Eric,

On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 07:35 +0200, Eric Hoch wrote:
Looking at this list now it reminds me of the building the X11 OOo 
on the mac :-)
        Wow - we don't want to be that bad - obviously.

Is this because of a new build process that LibO uses compared to 
the one OOo uses? 
        Perhaps; not sure - the dependency list does seem over-long (to me),
perhaps cloph can advise us on where to go here.

Plus, I wonder were all the cleanup work done by Christian Lohmaier 
is gone. He did a great job in making OOo build on an 
out-of-the-box with XCode installed. 
        Quite - we need to get back to that place.

Btw: Are there any up to date build instructions for Mac OS X? I 
only found Linux instructions or can I use them on the mac as 
        And indeed, a wiki page outlining this would be a great thing to work
on - once all the deps are hammered down, we can focus on shrinking
them; I guess Thorsten is a good contact there.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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