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On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 11:33 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi there,

      Fair enough; so an explicit cast in the code calling the operator:

      rStrm << static_cast<sal_uInt8>(aBool) << ...;

      sort of thing ?
Do we have a concrete example of where we have a BOOL getting streamed
out at the moment ? My first instinct would be to change whatever aBool
element is currently a BOOL and getting streamed to disk to a sal_uInt8
in its declaration. e.g.

struct StreamMe
    sal_uInt16 foo;
-    BOOL bar;
+    sal_uInt8 bar;

rather than getting into cast foo.

I see we also have a << >> SvStream operators for "long" which is
another disaster seeing as a long is either 32bits of 64bits in size
depending on platform.
      Weelll ... the operator in fact only streams 4 bytes regardless of
architecture ...
Well, has the bright side that at least anything streaming longs isn't
creating dumps which can't be read on a different long-sized arch.

      I guess; OTOH - do we really want to get into some monster LONG ->
sal_Int32 replacement scheme just now ? :-) I'd rather get hackers
re-focused on the higher-win tasks further up the stack really.
Sure, its not critical, but 32bit vs 64bit long/sal_Int32 mixups cause
real bugs. e.g.
which is a different area, but illustrates the kind of cockup which
might be hiding from us at the moment.



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