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On 2024-08-08 21:42, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

First, let us return to a point that I thought was already settled:
Changes to help/documentation text are not a solution for problems with
the LibreOffice UI. If a control or a label is confusing or
inconsistent, that needs to be improved in the app itself, as best we
can; and whatever the UI has - the documentation is for elaboration in
greater detail, with more context and examples.

Whilst good documentation is not a solution, it can describe workarounds for when things that the naive user does not expect to happen, do occur.

For various reasons, the unexpected are more likely to be seen in CJKV, than other writing systems, but they do pop up elsewhere, with even more frustration in trying to figure out why things are not as expected.

Let me rephrase the suggested changes briefly, here:

* Split off writing mode control from direction control, using
consistent and clearly-phrased labels.


Question: will rotation of glyphs be part of the writing mode control, or direction control, or independent of both?

For some writing systems, glyph rotation has an impact on how to construct a document. For example, Boustrophedon Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


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