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Present: Cor, Sahil, Heiko
Comments: Regina, Gerry


 * "Text direction" in page style dialog, with both Asian and RTL-CTL,
    is inconsistent and confusing
    + agree with Regina on keep status but write better help (Cor)
    => WF
 * Table > Properties > Text Flow > Text Orientation is misphrased and confusing
   + better "writing mode" (Regina)
 => follow the expert's advice

 * STYLES pane -- duplicate style (an additional option beside the existing
   new style from selection
   + WF'ed before on bug 152189
   + duplication would be like new but on the same level in the hierarchy,
     support the request (Cor)
   => do it

 * Terrible usability of AutoText dialog when creating new AutoText
   + Source > Clipboard (added newly) should not be done as the AT
     needs to be verified in the context (Cor)
   + preview window: zoom slider for preview (Gerry)
     + disagree; the actual issue should be fixed (Heiko)
   + AutoText dialog should be amodal
     + agreed (Cor, Heiko)
   + does it make sense to modify the category while creating a new AT (Cor)
     + we should carefully avoid mixing individual attributes from one AT
       with information on the list of ATs such as categories and path;
       therefore these are split out of the AT dialog/s (Heiko)
   + is "Create AutoText out of selection" (directly) possible? (Gerry)
     + requires a category and unless we just add all new content to
       some "Standard" it needs this selection first (Heiko)
   => wait for volunteers to implement

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