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Am 16.12.2016 um 08:08 schrieb Heiko Tietze:
Hi all,

this email was waiting for a long time in my inbox. But since we have a new extensions site now 
I'd ask you, Andreas, to make this possible.


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Subject: [libreoffice-design] Share 3D models in the new web site for templates and extensions
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2015 14:00:26 -0300
From: Bastián Díaz <>

Hello, I have understood that the design team has been working on a 
redesign for the website of extensions and templates for LibreOffice.

I wonder if it is possible to add a section to share 3D models for use 
in Impress. This feature has been added since LO 4.3, and from my point 
of view has great potential in education.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to get 3D models and not all have the 
ability to create our own. With a section so the community could 
exchange and improve available 3D models.


I wonder, whether this 3D models are templates or extensions. And if
they are some sort of them (which one?), do they have a special file
format and a file extension?

Kind regards,

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