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Hi Alex,

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Alexander Wilms

Hi everyone,

would anyone object against Cedric including this as new default (empty)

Based on a quick review, I found a number of problems with it, the biggest
of which are the fonts.
Calibri is used quite often. The default template, of course, shouldn't use
it, as it's proprietary and available to only those who install MS Office
Here's a list of styles this font appears in: Bibliography 1, Caption,
Contents 3-10, Drawing, Illustration Index 1, Index, Index 1-3, Index
Separator, all of List (except Headings, Content, Indent, and Paragraph),
all Numbering, Object Index 1, Table, Table Index 1, Text, and User Index
Additionally, we shouldn't use DejaVu fonts as they aren't
metric-compatible with Times, Arial, or Courier New.
DejaVu Sans appears in: Bibliography Heading, Contents Heading, Heading,
Heading 1, Illustration Index Heading, Index Heading, Object Index Heading,
Preformatted Text, Table Index Heading, and User Index Heading.
We have the same problem with FreeSans, which is only used in the Signature
All of these fonts should be changed to their Liberation counterpart, which
is metric-compatible with Arial, Times, and Courier New, which means that
the layout of documents written with this font will be preserved on every
computer (as these fonts, or at least their metrics, are universally

Another bother: font sizes.
It's quite annoying that headings 6-10 look identical, which means the
hierarchy doesn't get across. Adding fuel to the fire, the text below
headings 4-10 is actually bigger than the headings themselves. The
numbering before headings 2-4 and non-integer font sizes also bother me.
I'd suggest font size 24 for Heading 1, then, for the rest of the headings,
font sizes from 20 to 12, steadily decreasing by one (i.e. H2: 20, H3: 19,
H4: 18, ...).

Other than that, the document should be black-and-white, given that
monochrome printers are widely used. Styles that used color were mainly
those that used the DejaVu Sans font, along with "Intense Quote" and
"Title". "Heading" and "Heading 10" should be justified just like the rest
of the headings. There should be no custom styles (there are enough styles
already). Lastly, frame contents should have no background.

Given all of these bugs, it should be easier to base a new set of styles on
our current defaults.

All of this said, would it be alright if I made a playground for the
default styles?

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