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2011/7/15 Christopher Lee <>:

Already possible: Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Appearance → change
"Application background" from "Default" to your preferred colour. If
you need a different colour define a new one under Tool → Options →
LibreOffice → Colors: your new colour will be available when you
change the background.
It may already be possible, it's fairly deep in the menu trees for someone trying to do something 
simple. It's also not equipped with a live preview or any semblance of an attempt at matching 
color schemes, and the color picker is kind of dated/ugly (choose from a dropdown list? A color? 
Out of some forty or fifty sets? Not a good idea!). I think Alex is just suggesting that 1) We 
could change the default, which is sensible, and 2) At least make it more apparent.
The whole LibO's colour management needs a rewrite, I think that
everyone agrees with that. IMHO, without a proper way to select AND
define colours, the "already possible" solution is the only possible
answer... we can talk for hours on end about how
difficult/deep/whatever the options are, but I think we need to
discuss first of all about the colour palette: only then we will be
able to discuss how to use those colours.
For a "live preview" I think it is enough (1) to extend the "Apply"
button we see on style management since 3.4 to the Option dialogue.

(1) In the mathematical sense of the word: I have no idea how
difficult it is to add the Apply button there, but I'm sure it is
enough to solve the problem, so it is a "Sufficient condition"... :)

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